Nutrients that are associated with a good night's sleep

Nutrients that are associated with a good night's sleep

There are many reasons for not sleeping well, and often stress plays a role in this area, but a study has shown that not getting enough sleep are some of the nutrients may interfere.

Here are three common sleep problem discussed deficiencies of vitamins and minerals that are associated with:

Difficulty falling asleep: Magnesium plays a key role in bodily functions that regulate sleep.

Magnesium is an important mineral in the summary. Food sources of magnesium include leafy vegetables, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, beans, lentils, and some types of fish.

Although potassium supplements are available in pill form, it is better to get potassium through food.

Many people talk of potassium, bananas fall to remember. It is true that large amounts of these minerals are bananas, but not the best source of this mineral. Beans, baked potatoes, and leafy vegetables are the best sources of potassium. Avocado is a good source of potassium.

Fatigue and sleepiness during the day: the results of a study in 2012 that was published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, showed a strong correlation between lack of vitamin D daily and there is extreme sleepiness. The best source for vitamin D is sunlight on the skin, but due to weather conditions or concerns about skin cancer may not get enough sun.

Fish such as tuna and salmon are foods enriched source of vitamin D in people with no access to food sources, and they do not get enough sunlight, vitamin D supplementation is the best option