History of Left Hand , Hollywood and World

The natural tendency of left handed people use the left hand for various tasks , especially writing.

Press Club - left handed people use the left hand to the natural tendency of things to do and especially writing. Naturally , most people are right-handed , meaning they do everyday to make more use of the right hand . Several studies indicate that in many communities , 70 to 90 percent of the population are right-handed . The remainder are mostly people who are left handed . Twenty- second day of July of each year, the world is left handed label . In this email you will see a report of the most famous figures of the Left in Iran is named .


Aristotle was born in Macedonia in 384 BC and died in 322 BC . Aristotle was a Greek philosopher . He is one of the most important Western philosophers Plato and teacher of Alexander the Macedonian students were considered . His publications include one another in many fields , including the field of physics , metaphysics , poetry , biology , logic , science, speech , politics , government , ethics were. Along with Socrates and Plato , Aristotle was the most influential philosophers of ancient Greece . He was known in his time left .

Rystvkls nicknamed Big Three Philosophers Greek philosopher Plato or Platvn second ( Socrates , Plato and Aristotle ) is. Plato was the first philosopher whose writings he left behind . Many consider him the greatest philosopher in history . He was known in his time left .

Ludwig van Beethoven
Ludwig van Beethoven was born in Bonn on December 17 1770 . His father was crazy and wanted to arrange the music lover , the artist and musician boyfriend narrow build. Pattern father , Mozart was composing at the age of 6 had successfully confounded the art world . He is also one of history 's famous left-handers .

Friedrich Nietzsche
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) philosopher , poet and composer of German . Thinking on global thinker Nietzsche is unparalleled . His most famous ideas, criticism , culture, religion and modern philosophy based on fundamental questions about the basis of values ​​and ethics . He is also among the most famous left-handed history.

Marie Curie
Polish physicist and chemist Marie Curie was born in 1867 . He is the first scientist who was twice awarded the Nobel Prize in physics and chemistry . Curie in 1934 at age 62 , died of blood cancer . Research on radium , because she is a carcinogenic substance , died.

Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin is one of the most famous actors and directors of the Oscar-winning movie . Most of his films are comedies and silent . He served over 65 years in the field of cinema , including the history of famous left-handers .

Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi was a politician with morals that he relied on honesty and truth , without using violence and colonial rule in India, Great Britain and the independence of his country would . Gandhi on January 30, 1948 , was murdered .

Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein is considered one of the foremost scholars on the Left . Professor Zhvlydhmv In 1905 he presented a series of his scholarly work , which is the foundation of knowledge, then rocked hard . His revolutionary theories about space and time, the principles of modern physics and natural sciences provided .

Gunter Grass
Günter Grass , German writer and artist and owner of the prestigious literary prize . He is the 1961 inception of the " Federal Republic of Germany " , always in the ranks of the Social Democrats , the party has stood for victory . Sdrazmhay the German Social Democrat Willy Brandt , Helmut Schmidt and Gerhard Schroeder have noted repeatedly that a large part of its success follow-up activities have been popular thanks to the author .

Steve Mkkvyyn
Mkkvyyn Steve , is an American actress born in 1930 and died in 1980 . His first film role Lmytkhyly "bubble " was. , He nicknamed the "King of cool " and at the time was one of the manifestations of the national culture , the history of famous left-handers .

Nicole Kidman
Australian actress Nicole Kidman is known as left-handed . He was born in 1967 and has won an Oscar , the singing is also discussed .

Angelina Jolie
American actress Angelina Jolie was born in 1975 and " good will ambassador for the UN refugee " is. , He frequently by services in various journals and has been selected as the most beautiful and attractive actress . JULIE three-time Golden Globe Award and an Academy Award time has acquired .

Isaac Newton
Sir Isaac ( or Isaac ) Newton, physicist , mathematician , astronomer, philosopher and a citizen of the UK . He is the first person who walks the earth and the sky to discover the natural laws . The researchers Newton was a monotheist who believed in the Bible Gvyyhay . He believed the world was founded in 2060 after the war of good and evil to triumph is that good in the end.

Pablo Ruiz Picasso, painter , stage designer , sculpture , and ceramics engraver , and one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century Spanish works was established . He, along with Georges Braque , French painter and sculpture , created cubism style . Among his famous works, the maidens Avignon and Grnyka be noted. Picasso spent most of his life in France . He was known in his time left .

William Shakespeare
English playwright and poet William Shakespeare is the greatest writer in the English language , which he believed. On 26 April 1564 he was born in England in the town of Stratford . Shakespeare 's reputation as a poet , author , actor and playwright, is unique , and some consider him the greatest playwright date , but many of the facts of his life is at stake.

Bill Gates
William Henry Gates III , known as the Bill Gates on October 28, 1955 in Seattle, Washington State Center of America was born. He and Paul Allen founded Microsoft Corporation respectively. Gates as CEO and chief software architect at Microsoft has worked . Based on Forbes magazine in 2008, Bill Gates , Warren Buffett, the world 's third richest man Mexican businessman Carlos Slim and American capitalism . Prior to this he was the richest man in the world between 1995 and 2007 was estimated at 65 billion dollars of his assets .
Bill Gates is very famous in the world as the founder of the evolution of the personal computer . Gates has always been following the efforts of various charitable Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in this direction has been established in 2000 . Bill Gates has a history of famous left-handers .

Amitabh Bachchan
Amitabh Bachchan , born October 11, 1942 at Allhabad Indian actress , producer , singer and TV host of Bollywood films in India. His 1969 film Black Seven " Hindi " into a movie , and since then has always Mtrhtryn faces of Indian cinema . Award twelve times since he shot the film , the main prize of Hindi films , has its own 's . , he is one of the finest actors of Indian cinema and one of the most expensive stars in the field is left-handed as well.

Nooshad Alemian
 Nooshad born in 30 November 1370 in Babol , Iran table tennis is one of the most successful figures . He played his first match at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, was able to defeat Astralyayyash ethnic Chinese . This is the first Olympic victory in Pyngpng . He also won in 2012 and 2013 in the fourth round to reach the Asian Table Tennis .