Beautiful landscape of cliffs and suicide

Beautiful landscape of cliffs and suicide

 Rocky coastal scenery and the peace and happiness of man that is beautiful and unique, is the death of a cliff.
The following pictures are beautiful and unique view of a rocky cliff, which is known to commit suicide. Beautiful tall chalk cliffs of a headland in the south of England, close to the town of East Sussex Born in the city.

This is a rocky coastal cliffs within the administrative area, Borough Council, East Bourne is located. The tallest rock chalk cliff overlooking the sea in Great Britain.

The rising height of 162 m above sea level, is at present. The reef is very beautiful and spacious single visit. It has a high reputation. Because the height is chosen to end the lives of some people.

Now this beautiful cliff graves of those who have deviated from it, the expression of the mysterious and strange world known as Suicide Cliff. Sea stones at the shore wash gradually and today they have accumulated over time, so a small avalanche of rocks on the beach is hard.
The rocks in the spring of 2001 due to heavy rains once again spring into life and splashes and is tall.

 This rock has a special place that has a point or twenty deaths have been reported from this point.away.

Encourage. However, you can not totally avoid it. As these names are well known places around the world, such as a very high suicide rate in the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, in America and in Japan Avkygahara Woods ... This will lead to the other.

We have done in this area Tvrkshyhayy also responsible for the rescue team to inspect and patrol around if they need to save lives and help injured back at.

Assist the authorities, the relief team and Clergymen and good coverage of services provided by the local media, suicide each year in this area has been declining.